"This huge, twisted trunk is the highest of all the vallenwoods in the Valley". Within it stories are told, within it tales are lived, he is witness of lots of adventures, because within it lives the magic ...

This is a magical world ...
where castles rises above clouds seas ...
and dreams walk calmly down the street ...
where every one can be that heroe who dreamed of one day ...
if they turn back, they see their wishes fulfilled ...
You´ve got a big heart, keep it filled with
happiness, Lord of the Shadows, so you can live more an live forever inside a
heart, inside yours, inside mine...

Every now and then we come across bands who find inspiration for their music in Dragonlance, most often from Raistlin who is unquestionably the saga's favourite character.


domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

A todos los que lo valoran/To every people who value it

Hoy he vuelto a pensar, mis errantes trotamundos, como tantas otras veces. Como tantas otras veces, hoy he tenido una conversación -una buena conversación- que me ha hecho pensar. 
Esta mañana, al terminar el entrenamiento de Kendo, he salido hablando con Matías, mi profe y senpai, sobre leer y escribir. Me ha dicho algo: que queda poca gente que lea y escriba mucho hoy en día, como hago yo. Y eso me ha hecho pensar en el camino de vuelta a mi casa.
Sí, es cierto, queda poca gente; sin embargo, menos gente queda aún que reconozca estas cosas. Conozco a muchas personas que escriben -y maravillosamente, he de decir- y leen mucho. En cambio, personas que reconozcan estas acciones, que lean las cosas que otros escriben o que sean capaces de ver el esfuerzo que hay detrás y de valorar la escritura como se merece, quedan pocas. 
Es por ello que hoy, con esta pinta de El Último Hogar, brindo por ellos: por todas esas personas que son capaces de seguir el sendero que crea este mundo actual, a la vertiginosa velocidad que lleva hoy en día y, a pesar de todo, aún reconocen las viejas tradiciones, aún valoran a quien las mantiene. Así que, hoy, a todos ellos, gracias.
Así que, Matías, gracias por esa buena conversación. :)

Today I have thought again, my roaming globetrotters, as many other times. As many other times, today I´ve had a conversation -a quite good conversation- and it has made me think about it. 
This mourning, as I finished my Kendo trainning, I went out talking with Matías, my teacher and senpai, about reading and writting. He told me something: there are few people remaining who write or read as much as I do, today. And it has made me think on my way home. 
Yes, it is true, there are few people remaining; however, even less people remains who recognize this kind of things. I´ve met a lot of people that write -in a wonderful way, I ough to say- and read a lot. But people who recognize these actions, who read the things the others write or who are able to see the effort behind and to value writting as it deserves, they are few. 
That´s because today, with this pint in El Último Hogar, I drink for them: for all those people who are able to follow  the path that creates this actual world, in its breakneck speed of today and, even though all that, they still recognize old traditions, they still value the person who keeps them. So, today, to all of them: thank you.
So, Matías, thanks for that good conversation. :)

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012


Hoy vengo a hablaros de una cosa: el Kendo.
Me encanta. Empecé este cuatrimestre a practicar Kendo con mi novio y un grupillo bien majo que nos hemos juntado en la autónoma y la verdad es que tenía que decirlo: es genial :)
Nos han puesto todos los impedimentos del mundo, estamos en una sala chiquitaja en la que hay que tener cuidado de no dar a los espejos, la tarima del suelo está levantada y astillada en algunos sitios, el horario es tardísimo... y aún así, es genial.
Cansa, sí, duele, sí y es muy sacrificado, pero aún así, es genial.
Es el día que más tarde llego a mi casa y, sin embargo, el que menos cansada estoy: es, simplemente, genial.
Como podéis ver, me encanta :) es una actividad que recomiendo encarecidamente :)
un saludo mis errantes viajeros de mundos de papel! ;D

Today I´m here to talk about one thing: Kendo.
I love it. I started practising Kendo this term with my boyfriend and a nice group of people that met ourselves in the UAM and I had to say it: it´s great! :)
We had all the impediments on Earth, we´re in a little room where we have to be carefull not knocking the mirrors, the stage is pretty bad and it has chips in some places and the hours are very late... and still, it´s great.
It tires, yes, it hurts, yes, and it´s very sacrified, but still, it´s great.
It is the day I arrive home later and, however, the day I am less tired: it´s simply great.
As you can see, I love it :) it is an activity Ihighly recommend ;)
see you, my paper world´s roaming travelers! ;D

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

where nobody lets their childs swim...

Sometimes I talk to the Moon, ´cause I need somebody to listen, and she does.
Sometimes I stare to the stars, ´cause I need someone to glitter, and they do.
Sometimes, just sometimes, I can smell the soft scent from a shooting star...

... shinning in the dark...

When I breathe, my troubles go away. When I dream, my heart feels no more sadness. My eyes are like birds into the horizon and mi soul is just a bit of pain...

Sometimes, I feel like a little boat floating in the middle of the ocean. Sometimes, I hear a noisy wispering voice calling mi name within the air of the mountains; and I answer, and I sing, and I can read the Moon and smell the stars, I can hear the little birds, coming home again. 

My sails are openly strained because of the strength of the wind. A glitter catches my eye in the edge of the boat, just a vague reminiscent of an ancient spirit shadow... A glittery shadow over the sea, which go away, far away...

Far away, there is where I want to be sometimes... there is where I want to be now... I´m far away, in a place where nobody lets their childs swim... in a place no one dares to fly to...