"This huge, twisted trunk is the highest of all the vallenwoods in the Valley". Within it stories are told, within it tales are lived, he is witness of lots of adventures, because within it lives the magic ...

This is a magical world ...
where castles rises above clouds seas ...
and dreams walk calmly down the street ...
where every one can be that heroe who dreamed of one day ...
if they turn back, they see their wishes fulfilled ...
You´ve got a big heart, keep it filled with
happiness, Lord of the Shadows, so you can live more an live forever inside a
heart, inside yours, inside mine...

Every now and then we come across bands who find inspiration for their music in Dragonlance, most often from Raistlin who is unquestionably the saga's favourite character.


martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

Uno de esos momentos / One of those moments.

Hoy es uno de esos momentos...
...en los que no sé a dónde ir ni cómo, en los que la vida da mil vueltas a mi alrededor, frenética, imparable... y yo, de nuevo, sólo me quiero bajar...

pero entonces, ahora, aquí, una luz asoma de las nubes, una luz brillante, blanca y luminosa... es como un cálido abrazo. Ahora.

Today is one of those moments...
... those when I don´t know where to go, nor ho; those when life gets thousands of laps around me, frantic, unstopable... and I just wanna get off, again...

but then, now, here, a light comes out of the clouds, a bright light, white and shiny... it´s like a warm hug. Now.

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Car dijo...
