"This huge, twisted trunk is the highest of all the vallenwoods in the Valley". Within it stories are told, within it tales are lived, he is witness of lots of adventures, because within it lives the magic ...

This is a magical world ...
where castles rises above clouds seas ...
and dreams walk calmly down the street ...
where every one can be that heroe who dreamed of one day ...
if they turn back, they see their wishes fulfilled ...
You´ve got a big heart, keep it filled with
happiness, Lord of the Shadows, so you can live more an live forever inside a
heart, inside yours, inside mine...

Every now and then we come across bands who find inspiration for their music in Dragonlance, most often from Raistlin who is unquestionably the saga's favourite character.


miércoles, 22 de junio de 2011

colourful brushstroke

A veces te encuentras con una persona que tiene una sonrisa para ti. Una buena persona, amable, que te llena los últimos retazos del día con una pincelada de color.

Sometimes you meet a person who has a smile for you. A good person, kind, which fill the last snippets of day with a colourful brushstroke.

sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

That feeling.

Do you know that feeling? yes, that one, that´s the one I´m feeling right now...
You know what I´m talking about, don´t you?
It does not smell, it doesn´t make any sound, it has no colour... but grey...
You know it, I know.
You´ve felt it sometimes. Like me. These days... eventually, it´s permanent, eternal.
It´s here. Forever.

miércoles, 15 de junio de 2011

The Wise Man´s Fear

Éstos son dos párrafos del libro de Patrick Rothfuss, El Miedo del Hombre Sabio que me gustaron mucho:

These are tho paragrafs from Patrick Rothfuss´ Wise Man´s Fear, wich I loved so much:

"So yes, it had flaws, but what does that matter when it came to matters of the heart? We love what we love. Reason does not enter into it. In many ways, unwise love is the truest love. Anyone can love a thing because. That´s as easy as putting a oenny in your pocket. But to love something despite.To know the flaws and love them too. That is rare and pure and perfect".

Me encanta :)
I love it :)

"In each of us there is a mind we use for all our waking deeds. But there is another mind as well. A sleeping mind. It is so powerful that the sleeping mind of an eight year old can accomplish in one second what the waking minds of seven members of the Arcanum could not in fifteen minutes".