Atención, el siguiente escrito es un spoiler, gran Spoiler, enorme SPOILER, del Séptimo Libro de Harry Potter. No seguir leyendo si no se ha llegado al FINAL, TILL THE VERY END, del libro.
quedáis avisados...
To Mery Silvertongue:
I´m dead.
And if you haven´t followed my instructions properly, surely you´ve died too, by now.
I´m writting this now -`cause I need to tell it to somebody and nobody has reached this point yet- but surely you won´t read it ´till a long time after.
I´m dead.
And if curiosity has defeated you, don´t keep reading or you´ll have died too if you hadn´t followed my instructions .
Same as Dumbledore taught Harry: the patience: “I open at the close” said the golden Snitch; in the same way, this letter had to be read when the book is finished.
I´m dead.
All my theories seemed to be right, ALL OF THEM, one by one, since the one that said R.A.B. was Sirius` Death Eater brother, ´till the one that said Harry was the last Horcrux. But all that seems out of matter now, nothing cheers me now.
“All was well” , the last words on the book. But not all was well, not for me.
I´m dead.
´Cause my curse`s back.
All of them had finished at last –alive or dead- with the person who they loved, less me... ¿or maybe, in someway, me too?
Just a few hours after confessing you, sitting on that stone in the lake trying to avoid an argument, who was real and definetly my favourite caracture, Fred laid in the empty hole of an old armour or a walking statue, with the ghost of a smile still shining in his face.
He´s dead...
...and I´m dead with him... all now is well...
L. M. Lady of Eternity.
“The one who made Peeves
take off his hat”.
Never forgotten...
“Here lies a man who faught
Death Eaters and was with
Harry potter `till the
Very end”...
*EL ÚLTIMO HOGAR* "Este tronco inmenso y retorcido es el más alto de todos los vallenwoods del valle". En él se narran historias, en él se viven relatos, él es testigo de mil aventuras, porque en él vive la magia... Este es un mundo mágico... donde los castillos se elevan sobre mares de nubes... y los sueños pasean tranquilamente por la calle... donde todos pueden ser esos héroes que soñaron un día... y y si se dan la vuelta ven sus deseos cumplidos...
"This huge, twisted trunk is the highest of all the vallenwoods in the Valley". Within it stories are told, within it tales are lived, he is witness of lots of adventures, because within it lives the magic ...
This is a magical world ...
where castles rises above clouds seas ...
and dreams walk calmly down the street ...
where every one can be that heroe who dreamed of one day ...
and if they turn back, they see their wishes fulfilled ...
You´ve got a big heart, keep it filled with
happiness, Lord of the Shadows, so you can live more an live forever inside a
heart, inside yours, inside mine...
Every now and then we come across bands who find inspiration for their music in Dragonlance, most often from Raistlin who is unquestionably the saga's favourite character.